Friday, January 30, 2009

It seems a card castle...

Have you ever realized our life is int card castles of different shape and size? You know if a single card moves, one or more will collapse... in your work, in your country, in the world... who gain money from that spend his time trying to fix card placement, while other people try to change the system, but it seems quite impossible...

I think this age could be called "the card age"...

Monday, January 19, 2009

keep balance

Maybe, indeed, MAYBE we are able now to keep our house, someone said yesterday that it didn't seem the house she knew :-)

So, we are continuing to settle thnigs in order to make a solid base to build our future. Sometimes it isn't easy, sometimes it's very hard, but we carry on :-)

Monday, January 12, 2009

Remembering Faber...

Ten years ago the man died, his poetry remained...

Most of artists are binded to their time, few of them survive in their masterpieces. Faber continues to talk to us by his songs. The magic of his words will never die

Faber, it was impossible to give you what you gave us, thanks for all

"E poi se la gente sa, e la gente lo sa che sai suonare,
suonare ti tocca, per tutta la vita e ti piace lasciarti ascoltare.

Finì con i campi alle ortiche, finì con un flauto spezzato
e un ridere rauco e ricordi tanti e nemmeno un rimpianto."

(Il suonatore Jones - F.De Andrè)